This month, we had the privilege of attending several high-profile Chanukah Lightings, and unique events.

On 13th December, our Stand Up! assistant manager, Jodie Franks attended, along with other faith leaders and educators, Buckingham Palace for an audience with His Majesty the King. Organised at the request of His Majesty, the afternoon involved a conversation about the barriers that exist to Interfaith work, and the positive examples of cross-faith collaboration.
His Majesty was greatly interested to hear about the work of Stand Up! education against discrimination, and his passion to engage with people from all faiths was clear.
"It was an honour to represent Stand Up!, Maccabi GB and the wider Jewish community at this prestigious event at Buckingham Palace" - Jodie Franks about the event.
This is a short video produced by the Royal Household, covering the event.
Our Chairman and CEO, attended the first-ever Chanukah lighting at Westminster, with representatives of His Majesty's Government, and the Leader of the Opposition, hosted by HM Government's Independent Adviser on Antisemitism, Lord Mann

We hosted the Maccabi GB AGM, which featured updates from our affiliates from across the country, as well as a presentation of our highlights for the past year, and Chanukah Lighting, led by our Vice-Presidents and volunteers.

Our President Michael Ziff, and our ‘Tackling Antisemitism in Sport’, project manager, Ben Sweiry, alongside our young volunteers, attended a lighting at Wembley Stadium, with the Football Association and representatives of the national governing bodies. Catherine Charles represented MGB in a panel discussion.
Michael Ziff, alongside our Maccabiah Cricket representatives attended the Chanukah lighting event by the MCC at Lords’ Cricket Ground.
Left to Right: Panel discussion at Wembley Stadium, Chanukah lighting event at Lords' Cricket Ground